Michigan Tech completes the week-end sweep by defeating
St. Cloud State 4-0.  This makes Lucciano Caravaggio (sp?)
3-0 with the contact lenses.
Michigan Tech      2-0-2 = 4
St. Cloud State    0-0-0 = 0
I don't know the shot total exactly, but I do know that
St. Cloud outshot Michigan Tech.  The St.Cloud goalie
which started the game (last name starts with "L")
received a 10 minute misconduct after Tech's first goal
and never returned to the game.  From the radio broadcast,
it sounded like he got upset about the first goal being allowed.
A St. Cloud player checked one of Tech's players into the goalie
sending all three into the net as Brent Myers of MTU put the
puck into the net on a delayed penalty against St. Cloud.
I don't have the rest of the stats, except for the 3 stars.
Stars of the Game
1. Lucianno Caravaggio (MTU)
2. Jeff Mikesh (MTU)
3. Tim Harris (MTU)
Superior Player of the Game - Caravaggio