I watched the Ohio Stae - Bowling Green game last evening.  From Hockey-L,
as well as elsewhere, I've heard many complaints about the facility that
Ohio State plays in.  The arena that I saw on TV last night didn't seem
that bad.  To be sure, it was empty, but it looked like it had lots of
seating, good sight lines, and a big ice surface.  Was this just TV
deceiving me or was this not OSU's regular home arena?  I did notice that
center ice had the logo for what I believe was some minor league team as
well as the Buckeye's logo.
Steve Weisfeldt
Univ. of Lowell  1986, 1988                       Home of the 'Hawks!!
[log in to unmask]                          5-4-1 [1] (10-9-3)