> does anybody know how dany bousquet is doing in DALHOUSIE of the AUAA ?
> what are his numbers. he's supposed to be pretty good.
>                                 AND
> remember the badger line which included chris tancill and john byce ? they
> helped their team beat colgate in the late 80's in the NCAA FINALS. I
> tracked down tancill in KC of the IHL. what happened to BYCE ? I heard he
> was playing with some european team last year or something. what position
> did he play LW or RW ?
>                                                                 Manny
I'm not sure where Byce is now but he did play in the NHL briefly.
He went to the Boston Bruins for the 1990 Stanley Cup Play-offs.
His claim to fame was that he set a play-off record for scoring
a goal at the start of a period faster than anyone else.  I'm
not to sure about the exact time.  Now that I'm thinking about
this, I'm not sure if this was '90 or '91.
BTWthat Badger championship team was 1990 (the year I graduated
from Wisconsin).
"No, no.  Just count the rings!"