Now that it looks very bad for NHL hockey this season, do the people on
this net see any worth in writing letters to ESPN regarding replacing it
with minor league and college hockey (emphasis on the latter of
course!)... earlier this fall and summer people seemed interested in
writing to them, but I doubt if anything happened.  Maybe now there might
be listeners.  Someone posted ESPN's address, but I misplaced it, maybe
Wayne or Mike M. might be good enough to re-post it, and I, for one, will
gladly send a letter ASAP.
I was a bit dismayed by the lack of college hockey alternative mentioned
in that USA post, would have preferred them mentioning the sport in
general, instead of just concentrating on CC.... not that CC isn't a top
team, but the emphasis for ESPN should be "hey, what about the college
game, it is a good product and there are lots of people out there waiting
for the NHL  -- how about the college game in the meantime?"
What do you'all think?
Tony Buffa
RPI '64