MikeM writes:
>This is also why area non-Beanpot schools have been trying for years
>to create their own "Beanpot", so they'll have something with which to
>challenge the Boston schools for recruits.  The Auld Lang Syne
>Tournament was conceived as a Northern New England Beanpot with
>Vermont, UNH, and Dartmouth, and I believe it was hoped that Maine
>would become a permanent member (they did appear several times).  But
>now UNH has dropped out and the ALS has never gone beyond its status
>as one of the lesser tournaments.  The newest idea is the Governor's
>Cup which would pit the DivI state schools from New England against
>each other.  But it is clear that nothing in this area is ever going
>to rival the Beanpot in terms of allure and tradition.
What ever happened to the "Teapot" Tournament?  Was it a local Div II
equivalent to the Beanpot?  I remember that Lowell was in it, but I don't
recall the other schools, or for that matter, much else about it's
\_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_
Dave Hatfield
ULowell'86              Go River Hawks!!
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