On Dec 7, 18:02, Michael Burger wrote:
> Subject: Strangeness at Hamilton College
> It was reported on Channel 2 in Detroit tonight about an interesting story
> about the Division III team at Hamilton College.  Seems they have this
> tradition of throwing tennis balls on to the ice after the first goal.  It
> has now progressed to throwing more esoteric objects, like fruit and dead
> mice.  So, their next home game, no fans.  Their fans have been given
> a one game suspension.
> And we thought we were loony in Division I.
> Mike Burger
> [log in to unmask]
> University of Michigan - 1990
> Colorado State University - 1993
> In the fun position of having two alma-maters playing in a bowl game.
>-- End of excerpt from Michael Burger
        wow -- imagine if they don't clean up their act ...
        the NCAA could impose the "death penalty" -- imagine that poor team
playing all their home games for the next three seasons to an empty house. :-)
                                        jag RPI '87
Joseph A. Gherlone Jr., LT, USN
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