Re: Ties and Various Point Systems
   There has been some discussion, among fans, about making wins worth
more points in order to "encourage" teams to play for wins in order to
make the game more exciting.
   I've added up the ECAC conference games using 3 different point systems:
1) 2 pts win, 1 pt tie, 0 pts loss;
2) 3 pts win, 1 pt tie, 0 pts loss;
3) 5 pts win, 2 pt tie, 0 pts loss.
   I've also included normalized points per game (PPG) in order to be
fair to teams with fewer games played.   (As of Dec 5, 1994)
                        2,1,0           3,1,0                   5,2,0
Team            W L T   Pts     PPG/2   Pts     PPG/3   Pts     PPG/5
RPI             5 0 0   10      1.000   15      1.000   25      1.000
Brown           6 2 0   12      0.750   18      0.750   30      0.750
Clarkson        3 1 1   7       0.700   10      0.667   17      0.680
Dartmouth       2 1 1   5       0.625   7       0.583   12      0.600
Harvard         4 3 1   9       0.563   13      0.542   22      0.550
Vermont         2 2 0   4       0.500   6       0.500   10      0.500
Princeton       3 4 0   6       0.429   9       0.429   15      0.429
Yale            2 4 1   5       0.357   7       0.333   12      0.343
Cornell         1 3 2   4       0.333   5       0.278   9       0.300
Union           1 3 1   3       0.300   4       0.267   7       0.280
Colgate         1 4 1   3       0.250   4       0.222   7       0.233
St Lawrence     1 4 0   2       0.200   3       0.200   5       0.200
NOTES:  The team rankings based on PPG do not change between the systems.
        The team rankings based on total points do not change between the
        systems except to break the 'tie' between Vermont and Cornell.
        I'll let you draw your own conclusions on the issue of ties, etc.
David Sullivan
RPI '92