Mike M wrote:
> BTW, it was Dave Hendrickson, UML follower, who originally commented
> on this; I had not seen the broadcast.  It seems to be par for the
> course for Gamere, however.
and then Steve "Email" Weisfeldt responded:
> As much as Gamere's mis-pronoucing (sp?) bothers me too, I know several
> people (a couple of who are Merrimack grads!) who also say "Merry-mack"!
> I always want to correct them but I've always felt that it'd be a little
> obnoxious for me to tell someone else how to pronounce the name of their
> own school!
FWIW, I've *never* heard anyone other than Gamere pronounce it that way.
Steve, how many six-packs had you consumed when you allegedly heard this?  :-)
BTW Bob "The Master of Unintended Malapropism" Gamere outdid himself
pronouncing Merrimack goalie Legault to rhyme with Mr. Magoo.  If only the
mispronunciations were his most eggregious failing...