>From: "Brian Cavanaugh @ Koessler Athletics"
><[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:      UAH vs Canisius
>To: Multiple recipients of list HOCKEY-L <[log in to unmask]>
>I am not allowed to publicly comment on the refs for obvious
>reasons.  I am going to write a formal letter to CHarlie
>Holden and Dick Marr ( its on the way - gents).
>The refs in saturday's game were awful
Oops. So much for public comment. hee hee. (Sorry, coach--it's no laughing
matter, I know, but you left the goal wide open with that one.)
Nothing worse than clueless refs to wreck a game, though.
Helga Dimitrov
CWRU Magazine, Office of Public Affairs
Case Western Reserve University
235 Yost Hall, 216/368-6949 voice, -4835 fax