Richard Hungerford pre-empted me! His post about the Brown-Harvard game
is totally accurate. I have nothing to quarrel with, and not much to
It was a difficult night for the Brown Bears, but they will bounce back.
Harvard deserves all the credit in the world for this win. The Crimson
needed to play big in order to beat Brown, and they did exactly that.
I was particularly impressed with the Harvard defense.
After reading his detailed posts on Hockey-L over the past couple
of seasons, it was nice finally meeting Harvard staff member and super
fan Richard Hungerford. Mike Sheridan and I spotted him in his plaid
wool cap and with his ubiquitous note pad directly across from us,
and walked over between the second and third period to shake hands
and talk about ECAC hockey.
Hopefully, the next time Harvard and Brown meet will be in Lake Placid
next March.
Luiz F. Valente