Ah... GLI... DAY 1.
It started with the Alumni Dinner at Dunlevyz's.  There, during a nice
buffet, the MTU coach was telling us the news that he benched 7 Freshman
starters from tonights game.  The news seemed important, but they were
only Freshman.  Seven of the Nine who started within the Tech lineup.
We finished dinner, and the raffle started.  As it has been in the past,
and I hope in the future, a good time at the pre-game dinner.  Now,
off to the game.
(I don't have box scores--someone will post them I imagine)
Period one:
        In short, I don't think we wissed the freshman as much as we
        missed our goalies .90x save percentage.  It was more like .4xx
        for the first period.  UofM score 5 goals on about 12 shots.
Period two:
        More of the first.  We had some close goal attepts, but we
        let in another 3 or 4.  I didn't get to see the final for
        the period.  I was called away to serve a higher purpose. The
        MTU Jim Storm Jersey I was walking around in got me picked to
        do "Score-O" between the 2nd and 3rd periods.
Intermission two:
        UofM guys takes his first shot at the close net with big hole
        and misses.  MTU Pep Band member takes her shot, and right in.
        I take my shot, right in.  State fan takes a wide shot.  We all
        missed the shot for the jeep.
Period three:
        More of the same.  I was a record setting game.  I believe a new
        "largest butt kicking" record was set at 13-0.  And the 5th shutout
        in the 30 year history was awarded.
        In the 8 years I have been going to GLI, I have always been as
        Huskies Fan (despite the ridicule from dad and brother).  I've
        seen UofM win it seven times in a row.  But, as the two people
        I brought for their first GLI said, "it is one of the best times
        I've had at hockey" and "everyone is so nice."  It would be nice
        to see MTU go all the way, but the would only add to the good times
        at the Joe.  MTU only goals for the first night came during the
        second intermission.  We held the opposition to a 2-0 win.  What
        did we win?  A set of tickets to a UofM vs. MSU game in Feb.
        Yeah.  I get to see them play tonight at the GLI. :)
Time to head to Greek Town for a pre-game lunch and a little shopping.
Maybe the Storm jersey will allow MTU to get some goals during regulation.
Bob "that score-o dude" Landsparger
.signature recalled do to manufacturer's defects.