>As for LSSU being "hosed by the officials", here's what I saw:
According to an LSSU associate AD (they have lots of them), who
spoke between periods on the BG hockey radio network, the Foos
call for kicking was a good call. It was a stupid thing to do.
The Aldridge call was terrible, however. Even tho the ref had his
armed raised to call a penalty, play was still on. Aldridge was
simply skating for the loose puck when the ref got in the way.
Aldridge is not a goon and would not ever deliberatly run into
a ref.
All that according to a Laker official.
I think the real "hosing" happened wrt the 2 minute minors. C'mon--
the power plays were 11-3!
And the final note on officiating: another LSSU official talked with
the refs after the LSSU/NU game. They actually thought they had
called a good game!