in an article about the new NCAA TV deal, it is reported
in part
sport                   Old Contract    New Contract
I Mens Ice Hockey
Final                   ESPN live       Same
1st semifinal           Prime Live      ESPN live
2nd semifinal           Prime Live      ESPN2 live
I'm curious if this is good or bad in your opinion.  My rural cable
carrier does not carry prime, so i'd get to see one fewer games.  Of
course, I'll be in providence, so it may not make that much
Survey time.....
______ did you get the final live last year?
______ will you get the final live this year?
______ did you get the first semi-final live last year?
______ will you get the first semi-final live this year?
______ did you get the second semi-final live last year?
______ will you get the second semi-final live this year?
my net change in watchability is
_____  -3    -2    -1    0    +1    +2    +3
responses to me, not the list.
charlie shub
[log in to unmask]  -or-  cdash@colospgs (BITNET)
(719) 593 3492               (fax) 593-3369