On Wed, 21 Dec 1994, Steve Rockey - Librarian wrote:
> Lesley Bricker is in favor of more fighting in college hockey in part
> because it will enhance some players transition to pro hockey and
> invites comment.
> I do not favor it and would stop attending games.  I just do not like
> to watch the pro style game and I suspect that many college hockey
> fans feel like I do.  A lot of college hockey fans have not seen much
        I disagree with you on that one. I attend UND and the Fans go
nuts when there is a scrum in the corner or at center Ice. I think that
the NCAA is watering down hockey with their weak rules. Hockey is a
physical game, it is also a game of intimidation. By not having some
fighting in college hockey you will end up with a European brand of hockey
which involves a lot of stick work. There a lot of people I know that
don't like the European brand of hockey we like a hard checking brand of
physical hockey and frankly I think that more people would like to see an
occasional fight in a game and not have the player get severly punished
for it.