The fact is that Geranozzo checked the goalie in the crease BOTH Friday
and Saturday nights.  The ever-vigilant Greg Shepherd gave a major
penalty to Reynard instead of Geranozzo on Friday.
Shepherd should bear some responsibility for the roughness of Saturday's
game.  After all, he appropriately gave a 5 minute major to CC on Friday,
but an almost identical play warrants only a minor penalty on Saturday?
Talk about inconsistency!
I certainly don't approve of bounties, but let's be realistic.  Geranozzo
HAS to know that somebody from Minnesota will take a run at him when CC
visits Minnesota.  I'm quite sure that he would be one of the first guys
on his team to defend his goalies.
Dave O'Hara                | The people sat waiting                       |
College of Management      | Out on their blankets in the garden          |
Metropolitan St University | But God said nothing                         |
Minneapolis, Minnesota     | So someone asked him, "I beg your pardon     |
[log in to unmask]      | I'm not quite clear about what you just spoke|
                           | Was that a parable, or a very subtle joke?"  |
                           |                       - Brad Roberts         |