>>>>> " " == aberman  <[log in to unmask]> writes:
 > On Tue, 20 Dec 1994, Alan Harder wrote:
>> Great.  How long does the Canadian Junior team get one of
>> Michigan's best players??  This sux.
 > Where have you been before arriving at Michigan?
I have lived in Michigan my whole life, have been a Michigan fan since
before I attended the UofM from 1975-1981.  I went to Michigan Hockey
games back when they were terrible, and have followed them ever since.
 > Botterill is on the Canadian team because he is a Canadian.
Yes, and he is also a scholarship player for the U of M.  What's your
point?  I didn't ask why he is on the Canadian team, I asked for how
long.  You obviously either:
1) Didn't have the answer to my question (basic lack of knowledge,
   eh?)  or
2) Have the answer, but just wanted to be an a-hole about it.
 > I could get into a
 > long discussion about American hubris, but I would not want to
 > subject the list to your lack of basic knowledge.
What the hell does this have to do with your opinion of Americans?  I
asked a simple question about how long UM loses their star player,
expressed my opinion that I am displeased by the fact that he will be
absent from the team, and you start flaming me about being an
American.  Please grow up.  This list is for the discussion of hockey,
not a sounding board for your personal hatred of Americans.  The "lack
of knowledge" comment was purely spiteful, and deserves no further
Now, does anyone have the answer to my original question?  How long
does Michigan have to wait for one of their best players to get done
playing on the Canadian team?
-Alan Harder
 [log in to unmask]
 Go Blue!
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