On Tue, 20 Dec 1994, Alan Harder wrote:
> >>>>> " " == Arthur Berman <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>  > Here is the final roster for the Canadian Junior team:
>  > GOALTENDERS (2) Dan Cloutier and Jamie Storr DEFENCEMEN (7) Chad
>  > Allan, Nolan Baumgartner, Ed Javanovski, Bryan McCabe, Wade Redden,
>  > Jamie Rivers, Lee Sorochan FORWARDS (13) Jason Allison, Jason
>  > Botterill, Larry Courville, Alexandre Daigle, Eric Daze, Shean
>  > Donovan, Feff Friesen, Todd Harvey, Marty Murray, Jeff O'Neill,
>  > Denis Pederson, Ryan Smyth, Darcy Tucker
>  > Jason Botterill (University of Michigan) is the only college player.
> Great.  How long does the Canadian Junior team get one of Michigan's
> best players??  This sux.
> -Alan Harder
Where have you been before arriving at Michigan?  Botterill is on the
Canadian team because he is a Canadian.  I could get into a long
discussion about American hubris, but I would not want to subject the
list to your lack of basic knowledge.
Arthur Berman
GO BU!!!