I know many people will be going away, so here is the upcoming
schedule through the beginning of the New Year.
Please note that I will be away from 12/24/94 through 01/01/95, so
there will be no updating of the archives during that time.
Radio listeners in Maine and in the Troy, NY area will be able to hear
me do color during the RPI Invitational - including Maine radio with
Joe Carr for Maine-Miami Dec 29, and WRPI with Jayson Moy for Merrimack-
RPI later the same evening.  It should be fun and I am honored to have
been asked to join these two fellow college hockey afficionados to
call what promises to be a great two days of action.
If you are able, I urge you to get out and take in some holiday
tourney action in your area.  Other than the playoffs in March, this
is the best time of the year for college hockey.  The 1995 NC$$
tourney is shaping up already as an exciting one, and much of the
nonleague action over the coming weeks will have a heavy bearing on
the seedings for this year's tourney.
12/16/94 Minnesota             at Colorado College      WC at Air Force
12/16/94 St Cloud              at Maine                 NC
12/16/94 Princeton             at Mass Amherst          NC
12/??/94 Dartmouth             at ???                   EX [Switzerland]
12/17/94 Minnesota             at Colorado College      WC at Air Force
12/17/94 St Cloud              at Maine                 NC 7:30 ET
12/18/94 Ferris State          at North Dakota          NC
12/19/94 Ferris State          at North Dakota          NC
12/21/94 US Junior Team        at Air Force             EX
12/21/94 Harvard               at Alaska-Fairbanks      NC
12/22/94 Harvard               at Alaska-Fairbanks      NC
12/22/94 Acadia                at Maine                 NI Dexter Cl 7:00 ET
12/22/94 Colgate               vs Princeton             NC Dexter Cl 4:00 ET
12/23/94 Colgate/Prin          at Maine                 NC Dexter Cl Ch/Co
12/23/94 Colgate               vs Acadia/Maine          NC Dexter Cl Ch/Co
12/23/94 Princeton             vs Acadia/Maine          NC Dexter Cl Ch/Co
12/27/94 St Lawrence           vs ?/?/?                 NI Saskatchewan Tourn
12/28/94 Brown                 vs Air Force             NC Denver Cup 6:00 ET
12/28/94 Notre Dame            at Boston College        NC
12/28/94 Ohio State            at Denver                NC Denver Cup 9:05 ET
12/28/94 Northeastern          vs Lake Superior         NC Badger Shwdwn 6 ET
12/28/94 Brynas (Sweden)       at Minnesota             EX
12/28/94 Union                 at Minnesota-Duluth      NC
12/28/94 Bowling Green         at Wisconsin             NC Badger Shwdwn 9 ET
12/28/94 St Lawrence           vs ?/?/?                 NI Saskatchewan Tourn
12/29/94 Mass Lowell           vs Clarkson              NC Syracuse Inv 8:00 ET
12/29/94 New Hampshire         vs Colgate               NC Syracuse Inv 5:15 ET
12/29/94 AirForce/Brown        at Denver                NC Denver Cup Ch/Co
12/29/94 Maine                 vs Miami                 NC RPI Inv 5:30 ET
12/29/94 Michigan Tech         vs Michigan              NC Great Lakes Inv 5 ET
12/29/94 Cornell               vs Michigan State        NC Great Lakes Inv 8 ET
12/29/94 Union                 at Minnesota-Duluth      NC
12/29/94 Ferris State          at Northern Michigan     NC
12/29/94 Merrimack             at RPI                   NC RPI Inv 8:30 ET
12/29/94 LSSU/NoEastrn         at Wisconsin             NC Badger Shwdwn Ch/Co
12/29/94 Air Force             vs Denver/OhioState      NC Denver Cup Ch/Co
12/29/94 Bowling Green         vs LSSU/NoEastrn         NC Badger Shwdwn Ch/Co
12/29/94 Brown                 vs Denver/OhioState      NC Denver Cup Ch/Co
12/29/94 Lake Superior         vs BGSU/Wisconsin        NC Badger Shwdwn Ch/Co
12/29/94 Northeastern          vs BGSU/Wisconsin        NC Badger Shwdwn Ch/Co
12/29/94 Ohio State            vs AirForce/Brown        NC Denver Cup Ch/Co
12/29/94 St Lawrence           vs ?/?/?                 NI Saskatchewan Tourn
12/30/94 Colorado College      at Alaska-Fairbanks      NC
12/30/94 Providence            at Dartmouth             NC Auld Lang Syne
12/30/94 Notre Dame            at Mass Amherst          NC
12/30/94 Yale                  at Minnesota             NC Mariucci Cl 8 ET
12/30/94 Ferris State          at Northern Michigan     NC
12/30/94 Maine/Miami           at RPI                   NC RPI Inv Ch/Co
12/30/94 Illinois-Chicago      vs Vermont               NC Auld Lang Syne
12/30/94 Boston University     vs Western Michigan      NC Mariucci Cl 5 ET
12/30/94 Clarkson              vs Colgate/UNH           NC Syracuse Inv Ch/Co
12/30/94 Colgate               vs Clarkson/MassLow      NC Syracuse Inv Ch/Co
12/30/94 Cornell               vs Michigan/MTU          NC Gr Lakes Inv Ch/Co
12/30/94 Maine                 vs Merrimack/RPI         NC RPI Inv Ch/Co
12/30/94 Mass Lowell           vs Colgate/UNH           NC Syracuse Inv Ch/Co
12/30/94 Merrimack             vs Maine/Miami           NC RPI Inv Ch/Co
12/30/94 Miami                 vs Merrimack/RPI         NC RPI Inv Ch/Co
12/30/94 Michigan              vs Cornell/MSU           NC Gr Lakes Inv Ch/Co
12/30/94 Michigan State        vs Michigan/MTU          NC Gr Lakes Inv Ch/Co
12/30/94 Michigan Tech         vs Cornell/MSU           NC Gr Lakes Inv Ch/Co
12/30/94 New Hampshire         vs Clarkson/MassLow      NC Syracuse Inv Ch/Co
12/31/94 Colorado College      at Alaska-Fairbanks      NC
12/31/94 IllChic/Vermont       at Dartmouth             NC Auld Lang Syne Ch/Co
12/31/94 Notre Dame            at Mass Amherst          NC 2:00 ET
12/31/94 BU/WMich              at Minnesota             NC Mariucci Cl Ch/Co
12/31/94 Brynas (Sweden)       at Wisconsin             EX
12/31/94 Boston University     vs Minnesota/Yale        NC Mariucci Cl Ch/Co
12/31/94 Illinois-Chicago      vs Dart/Prov             NC Auld Lang Syne Ch/Co
12/31/94 Providence            vs IllChic/Vermont       NC Auld Lang Syne Ch/Co
12/31/94 Vermont               vs Dart/Prov             NC Auld Lang Syne Ch/Co
12/31/94 Western Michigan      vs Minnesota/Yale        NC Mariucci Cl Ch/Co
12/31/94 Yale                  vs BU/WMich              NC Mariucci Cl Ch/Co
01/02/95 Khimik                at Harvard               EX
01/02/95 Brynas (Sweden)       at Minnesota-Duluth      EX 2:05 ET
01/02/95 Laurentian            at Northern Michigan     NI
01/02/95 Boston College        at RPI                   NC
LEGEND: CC-CCHA; EC-ECAC; EX-exhibition; HE-Hockey East; NC-nonconference
(DivI); NI-non DivI; WC-WCHA.
---                                                                   ---
Mike Machnik                                            [log in to unmask]
Cabletron Systems, Inc.                                    *HMM* 11/13/93