Ryan Robbins wrote:
>Well, mentioning that it was Maine that has gone to court implies Maine
>should be scolded for doing something "sad." I'll point out, though, that
>Maine went to court because Hockey East overstepped its authority when
>it banned Maine from the playoffs. Maine was protecting its right to
>participate in the playoffs. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this.
>And the Court's ruling in favor of Maine on the grounds HE did violate
>its bylaws shows that Maine was justified in the action it took. HE was
>guilty of writing poor bylaws that didn't address the issues involved
>in its decision to ban Maine from post-season.
No court made any ruling on whether or not Hockey East had the right to ban
Maine from the league playoffs.  When Maine joined HE they agreed to abide
by all the league rules and rulings.  After league ADs voted to ban Maine
from last year's playoffs Maine's president and Shawn Walsh said the league
had no right to ban them and filed for an injunction in a Bangor court.  A
judge heard Maine's protest and agreed, granting the injunction, thereby
allowing Maine to play.  Since BU beat Maine the case became moot and the
league decide to drop the matter.
Again, *no* ruling was made in regards to whether the league could ban teams
or not.  Claiming Maine was 'right' and Hockey East was 'wrong' because an
injunction was granted is a false statement.  We will never know what a
court would have ruled.  As for writing 'poor' bylaws, one can conceive of
every possible action, infraction, etc.
Sean Pickett
Go BU Terriers, 1994 Hockey East Champions!
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