Deron Treadwell writes:
<<I received a report from several sources close to the UMaine hockey team
(including statements from Shawn Walsh, and some players) this week telling
me that the NCAA does NOT plan to bar Maine from any post-season competition
as part of a penalty for the eligibility infractions last season.  According
to this, the NCAA overall is pleased with Maine's program, and they have not
gone through any different "growing pains" than has any other program.  No
mention was made as to fines levied on the University but probation seems
This is not only good news for UMaine, this is also good for Hockey East.  All
the Maine infractions had put a black eye on the conference.  As each
infraction came to light, the level of embarrassment became higher.  As both
a BU and Hockey East fan, I am happy with this outcome.
<<Also according to this report, the only hold up on Maine entering the
playoffs this year is Boston University, who I am told, filled some kind of
grievence or something to Hockey East after the weekend.  Seems that BU
realizes they can't beat Maine on the ice, so they need to beat them in the
court room.  That is just plain sad.
| DERON TREADWELL - [log in to unmask]
|     The Hockey Bears are back in '94!     |
|         M-A-I-N-E  GO BLUE!  11-0-4       |
Here's where I have a problem.  There seems to be a growing amount of BU-bashing
on this list.  He tells us of a "report" that since there is no proof can only
be considered as rumor at this point.  Even the rumor can only say there was
a "grievence or something.
" (or something??)  What does that mean?  It is wrong to chastise someone when
one does not even know what the other has done.  It seems to me very unlikely
that BU would do something like  this for the reasons pointed out above.
However if BU *did* do something like this without good reason, I will agree
that it is sad.  By the way, it was Maine, not BU, that has gone to court.
In the future, please have proof before you go critising other schools.
As far as BU realzing that they can't beat Maine?  Please.  Even though Maine
is 2-0-2 against BU, the goal margin is only 2!  I thinkj
I think that BU has complete confidence in their ability to beat Maine.
Brian Gentry  BU'95
1994 Hockey East Champs