JWilson writes:
>      This is not intended as a flame to anybody.  But can someone out there
>      tell me how they can rank Harvard # 6 with no games played?
>      It looks like Harvard is to college hockey what Notre Dame is to
>      college football.
Before *anybody* played any games, there were polls based on expectations.
Those expectations are still there for Harvard for some people, and won't go
away until voters see evidence to the contrary.  The same held true for BU when
other teams started the season earlier than the Terriers and BU maintained the
top spot while being 0-0-0.
I had Harvard lower, but can see how others would have them at 6.  What may
make things difficult, though, is if Harvard's early schedule is predominantly
against cupcakes.  *Then* we'll have potential for even more disagreement.
But it'll all settle out in time...