This is not intended as a flame to anybody.  But can someone out there
     tell me how they can rank Harvard # 6 with no games played?
     It looks like Harvard is to college hockey what Notre Dame is to
     college football.
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     Composite poll (22 responses):
                                  Record    Pts.      Week      Range
     1.   Boston University (11)  1-0-1     317         1        1-3
     2.   Minnesota (10)          4-0       305         3        1-6
     3.   Michigan State (1)      4-0-1     281         2        1-6
     4.   Colorado College        3-1       254         4        3-8
     5.   Northeastern            3-0-1     210         7        3-14
     6.   Harvard                 0-0       195         6        3-12
     7.   Lake Superior           2-1-1     172        10        4-13
     8.   Vermont                 3-0       163         8        5-13
     9.   Maine                   3-0-2     142        11        4-13
     10.  Clarkson                2-0       129         9        2-13
     11.  Bowling Green           7-1       128        15        4-15
          Michigan                3-2       128         5        3-14
     13.  Wisconsin               3-2        47        12        7-15
     14.  New Hampshire           3-1        42        --        9-15
     15.  Northern Michigan       2-2        33        14       10-15