>          Cornell is playing in a tournament in Toronto on November 25
>          & 26.  Does anyone know if this is being played in Maple
>          Leaf Gardens, and who the other teams are?
The tournament is taking place at the University of Toronto.  The other
teams are Toronto, York, and Bowling Green.  The matchups are:
11/25  Bowling Green vs. York
       Cornell vs. Toronto
11/26  Cornell vs. York
       Bowling Green vs. Toronto
The games are exhibitions for Bowling Green but will count in the standings
for Cornell.
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              strictly those of:
Bill Fenwick                        |  Send your HOCKEY-L poll responses to:
Cornell '86 and '94.5               |  [log in to unmask]
LET'S GO RED!!                                                  DJF  5/27/94
"I had a terrible time in college, until I finally figured out what my
 problem was.  I had been highlighting with a black magic marker."
-- Jeff Altman