The following also appeared in the Eagle-Tribune today (11/8/94):
"Casey Kesselring was named the Hockey East Player of the Week.
"Kesselring earned the honor by netting the game-winning goal in the
Warriors' 4-3 win on Saturday vs Providence, and by scoring one goal
and two assists in a 6-6 shootout win on Friday over the Friars."
I was a little surprised to hear this, since I figured he was up for
Rookie of the Week but that PotW would go to Bullock.  But this was
what the paper printed, and I haven't seen the HE release yet (should
arrive Wednesday) to doublecheck it.
A freshman, Kesselring centers the first line and top power play unit
for Merrimack and is averaging a point a game thus far with 3-3--6 in
6 games.
This is only the third time in the last three years that a Merrimack
forward has received this honor.  Merrimack is in its sixth year in
HE, and this is the first time that a freshman has been named PotW.
---                                                                   ---
Mike Machnik                                            [log in to unmask]
Cabletron Systems, Inc.                                    *HMM* 11/13/93