The No. 5 Penn State Icers split with No. 2 Illinois, at Illinois, over the
weekend.  The Icers won Friday, 4-1.  Chad Markowitz and Richie Martha each
had two goals.  I heard goaltender Jeff Crispino played a tremendous game,
but I haven't seen the box, so I don't have any stats.
On Saturday, the Icers went up 1-0, but let in five consecutive Illini
goals, and fell 6-3.  Markowitz, John Farrall and Andy Strasser scored for
Rookie Jeff Adams came back from a concussion for his first playing time of
the year, but had to leave after a cross check to the head gave him tunnel
vision and a migrane.  Visions of Troy Aikman dancing in his head?!  Very
The Icers host No. 1 Michigan-Dearborn this weekend.
Jen Bortz