Tarkington McMains writes:
Jason Elliott played whole game in the net, and was impressive.  He was over
shadowed by the play of Wilfrid Laurier's goalie, and didn't face too many
shots, but overall he played well.  He has a very quick
glove, and I though by the esecond period he was doing a good job of
communicating with his D, and getting them the puck.  He stopped the penalty
shot, but did get burnt high on a breakaway at the end of the game.  On
both he did a good job of coming out to cut donw the angle, and waiting for
the attacker to make the first move.
Personally, I think Elliot has to learn to catch the puck (or at least cover it up).  He was Mr.
rebound last night.  I do agree that he's quick.
                                        Nate Robinson