>> On Fri, 4 Nov 1994, Eric Rickin wrote:
>> > Nike bought out U-M athletic department.  As a result, they sponsor
>> > everything, and a big nike swooosh now appears on the boards at the Yost
>> > arena.  Also appearing are adds for Ulrich's (book store) and for the
>> > Yost itself (public skate).  Under NCAA rules are these ads allowed?
>It seems to me we've discussed this on hockey-l before.  I THINK the rules say
>the boards are supposed to be plain, but it's a rule that's not been enforced.
>Is that correct, rule-book mavens?
Rule 1, Section 2b reads, in part: "Except for the official markings
provided for in these rules the entire playing surface and the boards
should be predominantly white in color...."
Arthur C. Mintz          [log in to unmask]          (607) 255-1487
Senior Project Leader
Cornell Information Technologies / Information Resources
"Never confuse motion with progress."