Well...I'm FINALLY back at my office following a much longer
than expected weekend in St Paul.  In brief, no...I did not get
out of town before the snow. :-(
I did make it back home very late on Sunday, but being stuck
on a grounded and packed to capacity plane for 6-7 hours
exposed everyone to each other's germs and I'm now suffering
from a hybrid of ailments, not to mention's Michigan's loss. :-)
Since the Minnesota clan did a great job of posting all of the
details, I'll try to keep it short.
First, it was great to meet the gang in person.  The Friday night
entourage included the following familiar names: Erik and Paula
B, Pam S, Lisa S and William Shangrey [who should be back
on Hockey-L if he isn't].  Glen Keeney from MSU was the only
familiar face as Carol was too ill to attend. :-(
Lee joined the crew on Saturday, bringing my total of new H-L
face-to-face contacts to six for the weekend.  I *think* this is my
non-phinal-phour record.  The combination of my busy schedule
[spent time with MN relatives] and Saturday night's mixed loyalties
only allowed me to chat for two periods of the MSU-UW game and
for a few minutes at the end of each evening...but it was enough to
once again remind me how much I missed out by not making it to
St Paul last March/April.  I hope to see you all again...either in
Madison or Providence...or in SE Michigan the next time the
Showcase is here!
GAME 1 Michigan 7 Wisconsin 2
I love drubbing the Badgers.  Jason Botterill appeared to have
a hat trick, but one goal was changed to Mike Knuble...raising
Mike's total to three on the night.  I had a lot of fun trading jabs
with the UW fans...who were noticeably non-existent.  Yeah, they
outnumbered the Michigan fans...but I didn't see one cheesehead,
or anyone dressed in red and white striped pajamas.
Oh...the inconsistency of the refs was brutal.  What constituted a
game DQ was ridiculous after some of the things that had been
going on early in the game.
GAME 2 Minnesota 3 Michigan State 2
The score doesn't reflect what a number UM did on MSU.  Mike
Buzak played well in the Spartan nets, and deserved more
GAME 3 Michigan State 3 Wisconsin 2
The four on four battle.  Chad Short Dog Alban gives Buzak a
night off if the MSU nets and moves his record to 4-0-0.
GAME 4 Minnesota 4 Michigan 3
If I had a dime for every time someone said this game reminded
them of Michigan-Maine in 1993...well, I'd have about $1.50. :-)
Michigan dropped a two goal lead, went into a miserable defensive
shell, gave up the tying goal on a botched faceoff in their own zone
and eventually lost 4-3.  In the end, Minnesota earned it.  Gopher
fans will point to Minnesota's astonishing third period dominance
and ability to come from behind this season.  Michigan fans will
point to the Wolverine's continually unsuccessful defensive style
when attempting to protect a third period lead.  Which is it?  Most
likely a linear combination of the two, but I'm not going to solve it.
I just look forward to a rematch in the NCAAs.
And, although he may have not looked good at the end, I thought
that Michigan freshman netminder Marty Turco had a fantastic
Btw...I found Minnesota's chant of "overrated" odd, because I
considered the Gophers the favorite going into the game.
For the record, at the half-way point of the Showcase's initial four
year run, Minnesota is 3-1, Michigan and Michigan State 2-2 and
Wisconsin 1-3.  Both seasons have seen a 2-2 split between the
If you go to St Paul, eat early because the city closes at 10:00 PM.
I'm NOT joking.
Unlike the previous season, their were no post-Showcase awards
given.  Last year, four team MVPs were named.
For those of you that have had mail to me bounce this weekend,
my long src.src.src... address is no longer operational.  To reach
me directly, you must use one of the addresses given below, the
latter two being preferable.  Thanks.  Sorry.
John Haeussler
Univ of Michigan
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