I didn't see Richard Hungerford tonight at the game, taking his usually
excellent game notes, so here's my poor, from-memory game account, in
case Richard indeed was unable to make it tonight.
I figured tonight's matchup was a fairly close one between two teams in
the increasingly muddled ECAC (unless you're Brown).  Indeed, when I
arrived, during the first intermission, the scoreboard read one goal a
piece for both Harvard and RPI, and 8 S.O.G. for both as well.
The 1500 or so fans (almost equally divided between Harvard and RPI
supporters) were kept quite entertained by fast paced action (both the
skating and a fair amount of "extra-curiccular" activities--the penalty
box was often occupied tonight).
The winning goal did not come until 0:23 left in the game.  After a
face-off in the Harvard zone, the defense failed to clear the puck, which
found its way to the RPI player on the left point.  A fine shot beat
Tripp Tracy high to put RPI up for good.
An unfortunate outcome for the Harvard faithful, particularly after
seeing their team claw back from a two-goal deficit during the second
half of the third period.  At around the 10:00 mark of the third, Doug
Sproule deflected a shot from Ben Coughlin from the top of the left
faceoff circle.  (RPI 3, Harvard 2) It seems the Crimson have found their
big man to occupy the middle on the power play in Sproule, who is
providing some sorely needed scoring punch.
Another freshman, Henry Higdon, showed great tenacity tonight, in
forechecking and chasing down the puck in the offensive zone.  His hustle
resulted in the third goal by Stu Swenson (Higdon, ?), who got the puck
after Higdon chased it down in the corner to the goaltender's left.
Swenson headed toward the net and put it in high in the corner.
However, the RPI goaltender did not let any other Harvard bids find the
back of the net (besides the goal in the first).  Numerous times Harvard
forwards closed in to point blank range and simply couldn't find anywhere
to shoot the puck.  While the Crimson do seem to be suffering from a lack
of scoring punch, the solid, steady play of the RPI goalie closed off
many a shooting opportunity tonight.
The second RPI goal came during the second period.  As Harvard's defense
(again) failed to clear the zone, an RPI player above the left face-off
circle made a beautiful pass to a teammate sitting ALL BY HIMSELF next to
the right post.  Tracy had come out, apparently expecting a long
shot, and had no chance.  I think the RPI forward was closer to the net
than Tracy!
The third goal came at about 6:40 in the third, from a set-up behind the
net to an Engineer parked out in front.
The Harvard power play continued to look confused, as the Crimson seem to
have problems coming through center ice and passing around the zone.
RPI's penalty killing unit was quite effective in breaking the power play
set-up and intercepting passes.
One possible bright spot for the Crimson may be the return of big
freshman Geordie Hyland on defense.  (Hey, anything that means less ice
time for Breistroff can't be bad...)  He played well and showed good
skating ability.  Unlike another large freshman from recruiting classes
Finally, Higdon, Craigen, and Holmes get my stars for sheer hustle and
effort tonight...these guys really got Harvard back into the game.
--Julian Chu (currently lurking the 'Net from the account of
              ghostwriter B. Nago)