+ Eric Rickin <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
+ I was watching college hockey USE or something like that on Pass and they
+ showed a game from BU (or maybe it was BC, but soemwhere in bvoston) and
+ I was shocked to see a molson Ice beer ad on the board.  I thought ads
+ were a sorta no-no, but a beer ad in NCAA facilities was totally bad.
  What is wrong with advertising a product you actually sell?  Since
beer is actually sold at Walter Brown [BU's arena], I have little
problem with the fact that a beer ad is displayed.  I will though,
agree, that I would rather do without the ads along the boards of ice
rinks, since they look a bit tacky.
  However, if it takes ads along the boards to provide the players
with equipment and the fans with cheaper tickets, I won't complain too
much. :)
BU '89