Personally, I could stand less bandwidth devoted to official-bashing, which
can not promote (college) hockey in any way that I can see.  Much of it is
sour grapes and much concentrates on calls that went against "my team" without
being able to recognize that some calls went FOR "my team".  I wonder if we
couldn't improve the game by giving recognition to those that have done a
good job and let their names become well-known ( I recognize that there are
occasionally comments about good jobs, but not very often.
  An "Official of the Week" would be nice, but I think intractable, but
could compile a list of noteworthy achievements (a single call or complete
game) that would identify those who have done a remarkable job in a
so fast that spectators miss a lot of the play that officials are "supposed
to see".  Anyway, I'd like to see such a list once a week, or as apprpriate.
We might ba able to point out some officials that other officials could
learn from, thereby improving the game.