On Tue, 22 Nov 1994, Tyler Cyr wrote:
> Well, before tonight I would have sort of agreed with Brian that BU
> probably shouldn't be #1.  But after seeing them at Harvard tonight, I'll
> have to stand behind my Terriers.  For the first time this year, they
> actually looked like the #1 team.  Harvard was totally outplayed.  BTW,
> the score was  6-1.
Well, maybe I spoke just a little bit too soon.  Can't wait for those 2,
probably 3 games coming up.  We'll see how they go...  Should be some
incredible hockey.  IMHO, though, one game doesn't make a first place
team, but this one certainly helps the Terriers' cause immensely.
Maine vs. BU
Nov. 26?
Dec. 2 & 3
I can't wait...
Have a great Thanksgiving everyone, and please don't stuff my mailbox too
much.  :)