Power's analogy to CA's Prop 187 is reprehensible to say the
least...whether one believes 187 is legal, moral, etc (let us NOT get into
that) or racist... it is clearly a false analogy to compare it to the
hockey situation in Minn.  If Minnesota wants to pursue an all-Minn
policy, fine, that leaves more recruits for RPI to pursue! But let's not
get snotty about it.  I hope some of the Minnesotans on the list send him
this message.... does the Minnesota football team have any Californians on
 Does USC, for example, have out of staters on their baseball team? YES!
Clearly, some of the best college baseball teams in the land are in CA,
but having students from all over the country is a plus that extends
beyond the diamond... I think that is something to consider. It is nice to
have good athletic teams, but Universities exist for a purpose way beyond
Just a faculty viewpoint, 3 cents worth, or less.
Tony Buffa