> Here's the column from the St. Paul Pioneer-Press that I mentioned
> recently. Let the flames begin:
> By Tom Powers
> St. Paul Pioneer Press
>         MINNEAPOLIS -- At 1:29 of the first period Saturday, Andre
> Savage, from Ottawa, Ontario, scored off a pass from Jason
> Prokopetz of Esterhazy, Saskatchewan. The second assist was credited
> to Kyle Peterson, who hails from Thunder Bay, Ontario.
>         No, this was not Team Canada scoring a goal during
> international competition. It was Michigan Tech scoring against the
> Golden Gophers at Mariucci Arena. Our tax dollars at work.
>         I think more Americans were on the Coratian national team
> that played the Gopher hoopsters last week than play hockey for
> Michigan Tech. But this is how it is throughout the Western Col-
> legiate Hockey Association these days. If Minnesota isn't facing
> off against the North Dakota Maple Leafs, it is jousting with the
> Northern Michigan Canucks.
>         ``I have to take care of my own business,'' Gophers coach
> Doug Woog said. ``I make my statements with what I do. I feel pretty
> strongly about the Minnesota kids we have here.''
>         Woog won't even look for talent out of state, never mind
> scour the hinterlands of Canada. That's a bit extreme. Deep down,
> I don't think any Gophers fans would mind if Woog mixed in the
> occasional Iowan or South Dakotan. But nobody should have to show a
> passport to report for fall practice.
>         So it's time to beef up the border patrol. Those scholarship
> benefits should be going to U.S. youngsters. Where is Proposition 187
> when we need it?
>         Somebody tell Newt Gingrich about this matter. Or better yet,
> Jesse Helms. Jesse might personally show up at the border carrying
> a flintlock.
>         In legal disputes, judges look to the Constitution for answers.
> In religious arguments, theologians check the Bible. When it comes
> to hockey, John Mariucci should be the final word. And back in the
> `60s, Mariucci refused to allow his Gophers to play Denver Univer-
> sity's team, which consisted primarily of Canadians. John knew it
> wasn't right.
>         Woog shrugs. He found himself knee-deep in moose droppings
> a few years back after criticizing St. Cloud State for recruiting
> Canadians. This was right after the school opened its hockey
> facility, which was built, ostensibly, to provide more and better
> hockey opportunities for Minnesotans.
>         ``As long as their (coaches') jobs depend on winning, they'll
> go wherever they have to,'' Woog said.
>         On Saturday, Tech coach Bob Mancini, a native New Yorker,
> used nine forwards, three defensemen and one goaltender from the
> Great White North. That's not an exchange program, it's an
> immigration trend. Mancini's team, at .500 going in, played
> great and upset Minnesota 3-2 in overtime. The two teams square off
> again in another international battle royale this afternoon.
>         Listen, I love Canadians. I'm also aware, as are most people
> who occasionally cross the border, that Canada makes sure it takes
> care of itself first and foremost. Its citizens usually have two
> choices when shopping. They can buy Canadian, or they can buy
> Canadian. Foreign goods are very limited. Nothing wrong with that.
> They are taking care of their own people.
>         I'm not saying we shouldn't allow any Canadians to receive
> U.S. scholarships. But I'd be more than willing to slap on some
> limits. Call them quotas if you like. We might as well be up front
> about it.
>         Granted, it's easy to sit here in Minnesota, where there
> are a dozen hockey players on every street corner and dictate what
> out-of-state schools can and can't do. Yet this system eventually
> sould affect colleges in this state, too. Because it's not just
> about hockey. Other sports are guilty of primarily recruiting
> foreign athletes at the expense of U.S. athletes.
>         Think about it. With scholarship limits on foreign students,
> how would any school be able to field a soccer team.
> -----
>         Tom Powers is a sports columnist for the St. Paul Pioneer
> Press. Write to him at: St. Paul Pioneer Press, 345 Cedar St.,
> St. Paul, Minn. 55101.
> |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|
> |                   Lynn Burke    Newport News, Va.                     |
> |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|
This isn't really directed at U Minn.  But maybe if the Gophers had one or two more Cannucks on their team they would have some more hardware in the trophy case.  Of course maybe a coach that can win the Big Games would help also.  I think that last point boils down to the fact that I don't think Woog is a very good coach no what the nationalities are that make up that team (WOOF!!!!).  He probably couldn't have won the gold medal with the powerful Soviet teams of the past!