I just reviewed the tape of the over time.  I misreported the
time Callinan went down. It was correctly 1:46 into the OT
period. The player pushing Mikesch was not 19 McHugh but
number 17, Larson.
I don't know how Buzzy Cristianson called (correctly) the
game ending goal. From the camera angle that was about at
the position Buzzy was at, it appeared to me that Prokopetz
kicked the puck into the net. However, from a different
angle, it was clear that Kyle Peterson did in fact hit the
puck with his stick causing the puck to go under Moen.
The commenter, Lee, I think, from Minnesota is exactly correct about the
officiating: there were quite a few blown obvious calls:
just before Callinan went down, Bonin was tripped rather
obviously going for the puck. On the tape, the commentator
claims that the reff is ruling by "his grey book." I didn't
realize how the calls were blown until reviewing the tape.
It was not one sided though. Calls were blown on both sides
of the ice.
Walt Olson