Dick said, in part..
>I will be in Chicago in early January and will have the evening of
>January 5, free to go to a hockey game. Can anyone tell me if the
>University of Illinois at Chicago will be playing at home that night, how
>to get tickets, and instructions on how to get where they play from the
>Hilton downtown.
It's all in the HOCKEY-L archives.  All team schedules are there as well
as a file called "HOCKEY-L TEAMINFO".  File "HOCKEY-L FILELIST" is an
annotated list of all files in the archives.  To obtain a copy, send
mail to [log in to unmask] and in the body enter
Wayne Smith
The College Hockey Discussion List administrator
Systems Group - CAPS              BITNET/CREN:  wts@maine
University of Maine System        internet:     [log in to unmask]
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