I just heard a really hilarious story about UNorth Dakota hockey.  The guy that told me the story is from ND (although he didn't go to UND he went to NDSU).  I'm not sure about the validity.
Apparently, a former Fighting Sue (sorry for being so rude but I'm a Badger fan) went out to Las Vegas to make his fortune once his playing days were done (when this was is of some question-it might have been in the seventies).  There he opened up (or took over) a casino (one of the big important ones).  He went on to make a ton of money at this (who wouldn't?).
Being fond of his alma mater, he donated a five million dollar endowment to the university for the sole purpose to fund the hockey program.  The money has stayed in the bank and the only thing that is used is the interest (I was told this is approximately $500,000 per year-I'm no finance person so I don't know if this is a valid number or not-I'm just relating the story and the actual numbers don't matter).
This in and of itself seems a little weird but it gets stranger.  This fromer player is a NAZI.  And he is apparently active i hishis support of Hitler and the third reich, including throwing birthday party celebrations to commemerate Hilter's Birthday!  The Nevada gaming commision suspended his liscence a few years back for his activities.
Again, this story was related to me in a rather vague manner (I have changed, ommited or shortened nothing).  The name of this former player is of a mystery.  Also, the time of the donation to UND is unclear, although it was sometime in the late eighties.
I'm not making this up and I'm not trying to spread rumors.  This whole story seemed to be a bit strange and I was wondering if there is anyone out there who knows of this whole "incident", especially the name of the player and his casino (the guy that told me the story said he thought it was the Sands).  Does this story hold water?
I'd appreciate it if anyone could give me any relevent info.  This whole thing fasinates me.
"No, no.  Just count the rings!"