Tark writes:
>Does anybody out there know when Cornell's red white game is?
There isn't going to be one this year.  With the JV team no longer in exis-
tence (cancelled this year), there apparently aren't enough warm bodies to
fill up rosters for the game.  We'll have to wait 'til November 5th...
Disclaimer -- Unless otherwise noted, all opinions expressed above are
              strictly those of:
Bill Fenwick                        |  Send your HOCKEY-L poll responses to:
Cornell '86 and '94.5               |  [log in to unmask]
LET'S GO RED!!                                                  DJF  5/27/94
"Cozza, there's a train leaving at 4:00.  Be under it."
-- from a letter that Yale football coach Carm Cozza is supposed to have
   gotten when he lost his coaching debut in 1965