BU alums Shawn McEachern, Tony Amonte, Keith Tkachuk,
        and Scott Lachance will all play in the BU vs. alumni
        game Saturday Oct.22 at 7 p,m. BU needed special
        permission from the NCAA to do this. They are all
        in town and will be practicing together all this week.
        John Cullen and the Sacco brothrers may also play but
        I don't know for sure yet.
        Terrier forward jay Pandolfo reagrivated a groin injury
        and will miss the alumni game this week. The injury came
        in the first period in the 7-6 win over UNB when he
        was hit in the "bad ice" area in front of the penalty boxes.
        Neil Goldberg, The Daily Free Press (BU)