James Endress writes...
>I noticed Brent Rutherford was not list in the CCHA list of officials for
>this year.  This is  a real shame ---NOT!!!
I *believe* BR scabbed some games at the professional
level last season and lost his remaining CCHA assignments,
and position, in the process.  Regardless, he IS gone.
Also, there was an interesting scenario in the first period of
last night's BGSU at MSU game.  I don't have the precise
times, but it looked something like this:
  7:30 Bowling Green minor penalty, MSU 5-on-4
  9:20 Bowling Green minor penalty, MSU 5-on-3
  9:30 Michigan State power play goal
So, do you face off 5-on-4 or 5-on-5?  My understanding is
that the first penalty expired due to time and the goal should
be recorded as 5-on-4, hence the second penalty ends and
both teams are at full strength.  This is how it was ruled, but
not until we endured an 8-10 minute delay while the officials
read the rule book and Mason complained.
Btw...had the pleasure of speaking with and buying a 50-50
ticket from H-Ler Glen Keeney at the game.  But I still didn't
locate GM Finniss.  Where are/were you?
John Haeussler
Univ of Michigan