Sean said:
> On another note, the BU Alumni game may be a great one if the
> NHL lockout continues beyond the 22nd.
There are two ways of having an Alumni game -- either a team of alumni
against the varsity or two teams of alumni against each other.  When
I was at RPI, the Alumni game was between the varsity and a team of
alumni.  I do not know which way it is done at BU.  However, I doubt
that the NC$$ permits college athletes to play gainst pros (even if
they are currently locked out).  Does anyone know for sure?
On another topic, Gary said:
> I also included "Drop the Puck"'s predictions in, to see how the
> "publications" would do.  I would also welcome entries based on TCHCR,
> CHODR, and any other computer programs which may be out there.
Although I am not familiar with the inner workings of TCHCR or CHODR, I
don't think that either can make any predictions without data.  That
is, they need results of prior games, which we don't have yet.
It would, however, be interesting to see a computer prediction of the
standings.  Is there any computer hockey simulation out there that can
accept statistics of players on teams instead of just working with NHL
players?  I have not played any of the commercially available programs,
so I do not know if this is possible.  Anyway, there is little chance
of being able to predict the necessary data on incoming freshmen.
Ralph Baer  RPI '68, '70, '74