I've been sitting here for the last month just reading everyone's comments about college hockey.  Most of this has been fairly amusing.  I'm in a real void as far as college hockey goes (Indiana).  Everyone here thinks college basketball is the greatest sport (yea-right).
As I'm waiting for the season to begin I can't help but wonder what else Maine is trying to get away with.  Flame me all you want.  Wisconsin does an excellent job of self-policing and still they get nailed with some pretty stiff punishment from the NC$$.  I'm agreeing here with jwilson.  Take away the title.
That said, I will point out I'm no fan of LSSU.  WI is my alma mater and the "92 champioship game hurts.  Iwas in Milwaukee for the championship in '93.  I was pulling for Maine all the way.  So I hold nothing against Maine personally.  But I don't play "dirty pool" nor do I like it.
Just because Walsh said oops isn't good enough.  Maine should not only relinquish it's title but also get hit with other sanctions (less scholarships, less tv money, ect.).
There I've said my piece.  Go ahead take your best shots, I can handle it.
a BADGER stuck in the middle of hoosiers and boilermakers
"No, No.  Just count the rings."