Granted first place in the national tournament is better than second
     place.  But I think that you are putting too much emphasis on first
     Wisconsin should be very proud of even getting to the championship
     game that year. There actions after the game were embarrassing, but
     the second place wasn't taken away for that.  It was taken away
     because a booster gave cheaper rent rates to 2 players.  The school
     might have never found out about them. But they did and took action.
     This would probably be so much clearer if the NC$$ would standardize.
     Maine's infractions this year, and last year I might add, are/were
     much more severe than Wisconsin's.  Shawn Walsh using the old
     "well...I thought..." really isn't going to work.  Using players that
     were ineligible, as Walsh did last year shows he either doesn't
     understand the system or want to.
     Maybe in the long run the NC$$ will decide to let Maine keep the
     championship,  they had a tremendous season, but if you go by past
     punishments that the NC$$ has handed down, taking the championship is
     the only fair solution.