On Thu, 13 Oct 1994, M. David wrote:
> This not about college hockey per say but is of genral hockey intrest.
> Last night ESPN 2  showed the IHL game between Atlanta and Minnesota.  In
> the game they used a "fire puck".  This puck was equiped with special
> refelective tape that made it glow on TV but appeared normal to those in
> the stands.  The purpose of it was to make the game more telengenic
> because the puck will be easier to see.  I personally found little
> difference in my abilty to follow the puck.  I was wondering if anybody
> else saw the game and what they thaught of the puck and if college hockey
> should try something like this for the games that are shown on TV.
> David
I thought it was a lot easier to see.  I could even see the puck hit the
crossbar, because it left a "trace" of sorts.  However, at last year's
IHL All-Star game they used the same type of puck, and it was not very
easy to see because the lighting wasn't that great.  I think the lighting
may have been better because a national network was doing the game.  If a
Prime affiliate had been doing the game this may not have been the case.