I have received mail from several people informing me about scrimmages
or asking why I didn't include them in my listing of games or in the
composite.  The answer is that the listings that I do are only
intended to include games between the school and another team outside
the school, such as another school, a foreign team, etc.  I don't
include intra-squad scrimmages, alumni games, etc.  In fact, the only
exhibitions that are in my listing are the ones I know of - these
things are not always well publicized, so I certainly may miss some.
Anyway, one that was mentioned to me is UNH's Blue-White game, which
will be held in Manchester, NH, this Saturday, 10/15/94.
Tomorrow night (Wed 10/12/94) is Merrimack's Blue-Gold game.  I will
not be there because of my night class.
---                                                                   ---
Mike Machnik                                            [log in to unmask]
Cabletron Systems, Inc.                                    *HMM* 11/13/93
<<<<< Color Voice of the Merrimack Warriors (station TBA for 94-95) >>>>>