Forgive me if this is a topic that's been beaten to death, but
I've been too busy to keep up on on the hockey mail that's been
filling my mbox. Could someone e-mail to me a composite listing
of the rules changes for this year?
Something happened in the Minn/Wisc game Saturday night that
we couldn't follow. Early in the game, the Gophers and Badgers
were called for coincidental minors. Both players went to the
box, and the teams skated 4 on 4. The Badgers soon got another
penalty, and the Gophers scored when it was 4 on 3. However,
later in the game in another coicidental minor situation, both
players went off, but the teams skated 5 on 5. Did I miss
something here? Maybe some of the others that were at the game
can clue me in as to the different situations.
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