The Friar's 7-5 win over Union marked new head coach Paul Pooley's
debut at Schneider Arena.  After the 8-0 loss at Vermont, I really wasn't
expecting much and this game was a pleasant surprise.  I was looking more
for a certain style of play rather than crisp execution and was pleased
with the style Coach Pooley is bringing to the Friars.  Here are some
general impressions:
Overall style of play:
   Much more aggressive than we saw in the McShane era.  Defensemen are
actually being encouraged to rush the puck!  I didn't see any "needless"
passes when breaking out of the zone.  The defensemen carried it until
pressed.  Also, there was little to know backpedaling behind the net as
we've seen in the past.  The objective was always to move forward, not
regroup behind the net.
   In the offensive zone, there was always someone driving to the net.
Even defensemen would crash to the net, something unheard of under
McShane.  I saw no clustering of Friars around the net.  They played very
disciplined, positional hockey.  Of course, that discipline broke down at
times (it's early yet) but the style itself was very encouraging.  While
the total shots statistics don't indicate it, the focus was on putting the
puck on net.  I saw a number of shots from the point or directly in front,
all designed to make something happen off the rebound.  They also seem to
be working on "one-timing" it in front of the net.
   The general style of play was much more exciting than anything we've
seen for the past 8 years.  The future hope for this program is far
brighter than this time last year.
   Once again, the style is more open than under McShane.  Coach Pooley
seems to like a combination of setup shots from center blueline or a
feedin to the slot.  The puck is constantly in motion and I didn't see any
tendancy to "wait for the good shot".  From what I saw, the intent is to
get the puck in front and see what happens.
   Unlike past years, all 5 Friars were in FRONT of the net, instead of
playing 2 behind the net like last season.  There was constant motion in
front of the net and that contributed to a couple of PPG's.  Pooley is
also using 4 forwards and 1 defenseman on the PP.
   Well, this was a sight better Friday than against UVM where they gave
up 5 PPG's.  I don't much care for the style here, though.  They play the
traditional box and spend far too much time standing around, letting the
offense setup.  I prefer a more aggressive form of penalty killing,
though.  This is one area where the Friars need a LOT of work.
Late game performance:
   With the Friars up by a goal midway through the third, coach Pooley
pulled the team back into a defensive shell.  This is a style I really
detest since it's a great way to donate a couple of goals to the
opposition.  To his credit, Pooley realized that this defensive posture
was providing too many opportunities to Union and he immediately pulled
out of it.  That impressed me since he seems to be a coach capable of
reacting to the situation rather than sticking to a form that is obviously
not working.
   The Friars have a long way to go.  They're learning a new style and may
not be in the physical shape they should be this time of year (based on
what I read regarding the PC/Army game -- although they showed no signs of
fatigue last night.)  Goaltender Bob Bell looked okay (but not
spectacular) in the first period.  Dan Dennis was absolutely horrible the
second and third.  That appears to be a weak spot again this year.  The
defense looks a bit stronger than last year's and they're playing a
greater role in the offensive zone as well.
   The word around the rink is that the players are actually enjoying
themselves for a change.  They look forward to the workouts and are
pleased with both Coach Pooley's attitude towards them and with the style
he's bringing to Providence.
   This is the first season in 8 where I've felt that we're heading in the
right direction.  With a solid core of Juniors on this club, next season
could prove QUITE interesting.  Tonight's game against UMass-Amherst will
provide some evidence as to the physical conditioning of the team.  It's
just great to see this program heading up instead of spiraling down!
-- Ron