Maine scored two goals with less than three minutes remaining in
the third period to tie Northeastern to set the stage for Hockey
East's first shoot-out.
But after a scoreless sudden-death overtime, Northeastern out-
shot Maine 3-2 in the shoot out to collect 2 points in the HE
standings. Maine receives one point for its effort during
The tieing goal with :02 remaining came with Maine skating six
men to four. Less than three minutes earlier Maine had pulled
within one with a shorthanded goal.
According to Maine play-by-play announcer Joe Carr of WZON
AM 620, the shooutout was the first-ever in college hockey.
The NCAA does not recognize shootouts; Maine is now 3-0-1
overall and 3-1 in HE.
Ryan Robbins               "Nothing in fine print is ever good news."
University of Maine                                  -- Andy Rooney
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