Sean writes:
>I know several teams have had multiple uniform changes; Lowell,
>UNH and UVM immediately come to mind.  I also believe that
>along with BU some ECAC teams have not changed their uniforms.
>Harvard, Cornell, Brown, Dartmouth, Yale, and Princeton come to
>mind [gee, the tradition laden Ivies, what a surprise! ;-) ]
Actually, Cornell has changed theirs over the last ten years.  During the
Lou Reycroft era (1982-1987), the sweaters had a bear on each shoulder and
"CORNELL" written in a semicircle on the front, in letters so large that
when the player had his sweater tucked in, you could only read "ORNE".
I'm sure there were other changes on that uniform that I'm forgetting.  In
retrospect, those uniforms were among the ugliest I've seen anywhere, though
guys like Duanne Moeser, Joe Nieuwendyk, Mike Schafer, and Doug Dadswell
sure made them look nice.
When Brian McCutcheon took over in 1987, he changed the team uniforms back
to the "classic" ones that Cornell now wears.
I would swear Princeton changed theirs a few years ago also, but I'm not
sure.  I remember seeing a Princeton game and thinking, "Thank GOD they
got rid of those ugly old uniforms!" but I can't remember whether I was
watching hockey or football.
Bill Fenwick                        |  Send your HOCKEY-L poll responses to:
Cornell '86 and '94.5               |  [log in to unmask]
LET'S GO RED!!                                                  DJF  5/27/94
"Cozza, there's a train leaving at 4:00.  Be under it."
-- from a letter that Yale football coach Carm Cozza is supposed to have
   gotten when he lost his coaching debut in 1965