On Tue, 4 Oct 1994, Sean Pickett wrote:
> Jack Parker wanted a new weight & exercise room for the hockey
> team last year.  He talked to the Friends of BU Hockey and the
> school's administration about spending $50,000 and having the
> Friends raise the money to pay to it.  Instead, the BU
> administration authorized and built a new weight room that cost
> about $450,000.
> I also know that every two years BU replaces all the players
> uniforms.  The school budgets $2000 per uniform, which for 25
> players comes to $50,000 every two years, or $25,000 per year.
> Sean Pickett     -     Go BU Terriers, 1994 Hockey East
> Champions!
> [log in to unmask]
I have just one thing to say--WOW!  I need money--think BU will send some
my way?  :^)
Tari Anne
Go FSU Bulldogs--CCHA